Your Invisible Crown: Pocket Life Coaching On Demand

Show Up Each Day As The Best Version Of Yourself

  Enroll in Course


If so, you're in the right place.

Let's play pretend for a moment.

I want you to imagine a life where:

-> You show up every day as the best version of yourself - confidently making decisions, taking care of your physical and mental health and following through on the actions you say you will take.

-> You have a game plan that works to help you face all your obstacles and challenges in your life...and these struggles don't stop you from moving forward in life.

-> You finally get out of your way and start achieving the results you want - including more money, more calm, more joy, better relationships and work you genuinely feel like getting out of bed to do each day

This transformation is possible for you when you invest in YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN

YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN will help you set a new phase of your life into motion, with the help of an expert life coach and proven life coaching strategies to support you every step of the way.



-> You're tired of just existing and going through the motions of your day: waking up, going to work, coming home, feeling exhausted, landing on the couch and repeating that cycle day after day.

-> You have a pit in your stomach every night when you go to bed because you're secretly dissatisfied with your life. As you lay your head on your pillow, you wonder if there could be more out there for you because you're afraid THIS IS IT... AND IS THIS WHAT MY FUTURE WILL LOOK LIKE TOO?

-> You constantly make yourself feel inadequate and beat yourself up by dwelling on negative thoughts. You overthink and doubt the things you want to do, despite knowing what you need to do to make changes happen.

If you said yes to any or all of the above, you're in exactly the right place.




When you invest in YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN:

🤍 You'll finally recognize and let go of all the crappy things holding you back in life, like unfulfilling relationships, soul-sucking work and a constantly empty bank account.

🤍 You will know exactly what to do when self-doubt, guilt, fear, confusion and overwhelm arise and how to quickly shift out of this negative state.

🤍 You'll stop holding onto dumb excuses as to why you can't and instead start taking action to improve your relationships, your money, your health and the way you see yourself even when it feels hard

🤍 You'll be able to face your fears of change by embracing the courage you find within.


It can be hard to achieve real constructive change without the support of an expert guiding you along the way.

If you've ever tried to improve your life in the past on your own and it didn't work out like you hoped it would, it's time to do something different and invest in YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN.

Thankfully I have a process that makes sustainable change as simple as possible.

In this ultimate personal development course, I have brainstormed the most common problems women face in life and provided you with simple yet specific strategies to embrace to solve your problems and move forward in life.

With over 10 hours of pre-recorded coaching strategies inside YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN, you can come and get the specific coaching you need whenever you need it and as often as you need it.




Here's the deal:

If you want to create change in your life, you need to be willing to do something different.

You need to DECIDE to stop living a half-assed, blah-blah life and commit to actually becoming the person you were meant to be, even if you don't know who that is yet.

Remember life is not a dress rehearsal. THIS IS IT.

I genuinely want you to live life in a way that when you reach the end of your years, you feel as if you LIVED LIFE WELL instead of squandering your precious time and gifts.




When you finally begin showing up as the best version of yourself, you will have:

MORE Confidence & Courage

MORE Productivity, Focus & Intention

MORE Self-Love, Grace & Calm

MORE Taking More Responsibility For Your Life


LESS Procrastination And Excuses

LESS Blaming And Pointing Fingers At Others

LESS Less Caring What Anyone Else Thinks (Because You're Too Busy Focused On Your Journey)






YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN was created to help YOU live life every day with MORE intention, calm and purpose and LESS stress, regret and overwhelm.

After decades of working in the personal development field, as a life coach with a degree in psychology, I've incorporated all of the most effective coaching strategies here in this course.

Put simply, YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN is the quickest way to get from where you are now to where you want to be.

Be ready to say hello to:

🤍 A clear and calm mind, even when life feels like a sh#t show.

🤍 No longer allowing “but I don’t feel like it” to stop you from taking action

🤍 Knowing how to embrace all of the normal human feelings and how to shift the ones that feel uncomfortable

🤍 Making change happen regardless of what the people around you are doing, saying or thinking. (You will FINALLY stop expecting people around you to change for you to be happy.)

🤍 Knowing how to have your own back, no matter what happens in life




Here's exactly how this course will help you achieve these results:


Module 1: Getting To Know You Version 2.0

Clearly define your Version 2.0 so that you know exactly where your life is heading and what you're doing to make it happen

Module 2: The Armor You Need For Your Own Life

Learn how to protect yourself and your energy, despite all the different seasons in life and normal challenges happening in the world around you

Module 3: Mastering Life Stuff

Take back control of your life, eliminate time-wasters and solve any problem that comes your way so that you can show up in your life with certainty and purpose

Module 4: The Stuff You Need To Ditch ASAP

Get clarity on the things you're currently doing in your life that are stopping you from getting the results you want in life

Module 5: The Stuff You Need To Embrace ASAP

Discover the things that will take you from Point A to Point Z in the quickest way possible. These are the actions you need to take to create change in your life.

Module 6: Designing A Life You Love

Implement small baby changes that when put together will have a BIG impact in creating a life you actually look forward to waking up and living each day






Inside this bonus section you will find coaching guides, workbooks, checklists and roadmaps so you can:

🤍 Develop stronger relationships no matter how screwed up they are

🤍 Create a fitness plan that works for you, no matter how much time you have

🤍 Learn how to focus your time so that you're only doing the things that matter

🤍 Boost your confidence so that you can take action rather than just think about taking action

🤍 Organize your time and space, so that it reflects your priorities in life

🤍 And so much more...

This section of the course will be your go-to coaching reference library whenever you need expert guidance to help keep your invisible crown firmly balanced on your head.






Inside this bonus section you will find coaching guides, workbooks, checklists and roadmaps so that you can:

🤍 Clearly pinpoint your amazingness so that you feel unstoppable in life

🤍 Banish negative self talk so that your inner voice supports you like your BFF would

🤍 Communicate assertively so that you aren't afraid to ask for what you want

🤍 Shift your thinking from doubt to confidence so that you can confidently tackle any problem or obstacle

🤍 Improve your health so that you feel better about yourself both inside and out

🤍 And so much more...






Inside this bonus section you will find coaching guides, workbooks, checklists and roadmaps so that you can:

🤍 Create a 5 Year Plan so that you know exactly where you're heading in life

🤍 Identify what actually motivates you so that you can tap into this wisdom when you need a lift

🤍 Develop good habits that you automatically do without thinking too much about it

🤍 Learn from your mistakes so that none of your negative experiences go to waste

🤍 Master the art of SMART goals so you no longer struggle with goals that feel overwhelming or impossible to reach

🤍 And so much more...






Inside this bonus section you will find coaching guides, workbooks, checklists and roadmaps so that you can:

🤍 Think more positively in life and turn around any "bad" situation

🤍 Create more positive relationships with your loved ones so that you eliminate any unnecessary fighting

🤍 Practice mindfulness so that you can stay focused on the task at hand

🤍 Recognize your triggers so that you know what to do when they appear

🤍 Discover how to make the most out of difficult situations so that there's no experience you feel like you can't deal with

🤍 And so much more...




Inside this bonus section you will find coaching guides, workbooks, checklists and roadmaps so that you can:

🤍 Recognize self-sabotaging behavior and promptly nip it in the bud

🤍 Develop a success mindset so that you can say goodbye to scarcity thinking

🤍 Brainstorm a clear plan for your future career so that you do the work you love

🤍 Embrace a growth mindset so that you are continually evolving into a person you would love to be

🤍 Develop leadership skills so that you don't automatically default to being a follower

🤍 And so much more...




Are you ready to say yes:


YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN will help you do exactly this and support you every day for the rest of your life.

Valued at $2000, this course includes simple, easy-to-implement strategies so that you live a more intentional life of ease.

I believe in this content so much that if you go through the course, do all the work and still find it hasn't shifted your attitude into a more positive gear, I will offer you a full refund.


Get started now!



YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN will help you curb overwhelm and stress so that you can be the strongest version of yourself possible.

This course will change how you look at and carry yourself in life as you navigate the world.

When you learn how to think differently, get clear on your vision and take baby steps every day to make it happen your life will change.

In a nutshell, your life will become whatever you think and expect it to be.

It's time to live life with your invisible crown firmly placed on your head (where it belongs).


This course is for you if:


Deep down you know you're capable of more.

You also know you need to do something DIFFERENT to achieve DIFFERENT results BUT YOU CAN'T GET YOURSELF TO DO IT.

YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN will get from YOU VERSION 1.0 to the very best version of yourself
- a new and improved stronger-than-ever-before mindset that will serve you well for life.


Say hello to the BEST VERSION OF YOU

I genuinely can't wait to be your new guide in life.

This is me ⬇️ - Frances Vidakovic, a certified life coach of 20+ years, CEO of two award-winning websites and host of the INSPIRING MOM LIFE podcast.

I want you to know that you CAN be where you are right now - any age, any financial circumstance, any relationship status and with any dream - and still have success with YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN.

Inside YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN, I will show you exactly how to get out of your own way and start living life with > A MINDSET AND ATTITUDE THAT FEELS INVINCIBLE <.

All the strategies in this course are how I was able to go from always feeling discontent and frustrated to living life with an invisible crown firmly placed on my head.

If this is something you want support with - I’m here to help you.

If you want to make dramatic changes in your life, YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN will help you achieve this goal.

Here's what you will find in this course:

🤍 10 hours of simple, digestible video lessons that you can watch in the cracks of your day

🤍 Step by step coaching roadmaps that show you what you need to do to get from where you are now to where you want to go

Your story might look a little different from mine but I know you were made for more and that you could be using your time here on Earth differently.

In a nutshell, you can and will completely change your life from this moment forward simply by embracing found inside this course.

It all starts with making a decision.

A decision to invest in yourself and your life.

It's time to make a change.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends. It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course on the Teachable platform for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. You can also download the Teachable app and listen to the coaching lessons on the go (for IOS users).
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I would never want you to be unhappy. If you're unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 14 days and I will give you a full refund.
Is this course worth the price?
If you take the time to implement these coaching strategies, then the payoff is a transformed life. Is it worth the price? Yes, if you value more time, more focus, more joy, more living in alignment, more clarity and calm, more money and so on (all the things that come when you show up as the best version of yourself each day).
Does this course require a lot of time to go through?
When you go through this course you will learn to be the CEO of your own life and run your days rather than having your days run you. So you will GAIN more time as a result of these coaching strategies. That being said, you're encouraged to approach this course at your own pace. There's no rush - you have lifetime access to this course.
Is this change sustainable in the long term?
Yes, change is possible and sustainable long term because once you change your thoughts, you kickstart the domino effect that leads to different feelings, actions and results in your life.
I'm not sure if I can afford it?
If purchasing this course will financially harm you and your family, please come back and revisit YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN when you're in a more comfortable position. However, if you're interested in transforming your life and looking for an affordable option, YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN is perfect for you. All of these coaching strategies were created from my 20+ year's experience as a life coach. The cost of YOUR INVISIBLE CROWN is a tiny fraction of what you would pay if you were to work privately with a life coach.

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Frances Vidakovic
Frances Vidakovic

Hi I'm Frances Vidakovic. I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife. I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.