If you are tired of:

► Doing all the "right" things and still not seeing it translate into blogging success

► Getting overwhelmed by the (sometimes conflicting) million and one tips found inside blogging groups

► Trying to set yourself apart from the other bloggers but feeling confused exactly how to do this effectively

► Wishing that you could be any of the following: more productive, more courageous, more motivated, more decisive, more determined etc (aka - a better version of your lazy self)

► Or generally feeling like you spend more time THINKING about your blogging goals, rather than actually DOING them

Take a deep breath my friend, because I have got your back.

This one-of-a-kind, coaching-based PDF workbook will introduce you to my game-changing UNICORN BLOGGER FRAMEWORK, which is my secret formula for making blogging success happen

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Put simply a unicorn blogger is:
It's time to SHAKE THINGS UP and completely change the way you think about blogging from hereon.

I'm going to share with you the secret strategies required to help you to take your blogging success to the NEXT LEVEL.

✔︎ No more feeling stuck

✔︎ No more procrastinating.

✔︎ No more saying "I don't know" or second guessing yourself.

✔︎ No more wasting time.

In a nutshell, I'm handing you the keys to the simplest way to proactively grow your blogging business, which will feel totally OH SO LIBERATING FOR YOU to embrace.

If you aren't sure how to make this happen, don't worry. I'll be guiding you and virtually holding your hand every step of the way...


► Is a in-depth 70 page PDF roadmap that approaches blogging and action-taking in the most genius new way

► Rather than second guessing all your blogging decisions, you will get 100% clear on what you need to do next in your business.

► As a life coach with your best interests at heart, I have made sure this blogging guide contains only the most important tools to help you see a dramatic improvement in your blogging business - no BS, no fluff...

► Once you are done with this ebook you will:

✔︎ feel more in control of your business again

✔︎ know the stuff you need to STOP DOING ASAP

✔︎ Instead I will tell you exactly what to do to make your business success happen (because it will inevitably happen if you follow these specific blogging rules)

You're about to discover that taking steps towards your blogging goals is ACTUALLY EASY when you ditch the crap, the mistakes, the doubt, the herd mentality and stick to my UNICORN APPROACH to blogging

✔︎ It goes without saying that YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS are well worth investing in. So let's get to work on making it best it can be...


Ultimately it will be up to you.

Are you ready to take action?

-> Don’t be afraid to fail.

-> Be afraid not to try.

"To live is the rarest thing in the world.
Most people just exist." Oscar Wilde


Yep there's more! I want you to feel totally supported on your journey to creating a more successful blogging business with the THE UNICORN BLOGGER so I have created a special bonus to help you accelerate your results.

So what are you waiting for?

It's time to start doing things DIFFERENTLY WITH YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS, stop wasting your time and begin taking action to work and strategise with more intention and purpose...


Hi, I'm Frances Vidakovic

I'm a certified life coach with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL podcast, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

I help soul-led women manage their mind, time and life better so that they can finally live life without regret. My one true superpower? Transforming dreamers into doers.

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