Raising Special Kids

Raising Happy And Resilient Kids With Special Needs With Grace And Ease

Yes Please I'm In!

To all the parents of children with special needs, welcome to a course that will totally change the way the parent your child from hereon.

Here's the thing: if you have a child with special needs then you and I are more alike than you may think.

It doesn't matter if your child has a behavioral, cognitive or physical disability the same truth applies.

We both know fear, panic and sadness. We both have shed tears over that scary seed planted in the garden of our fertile mind - that things can go wrong with children.

We both know the truth.

Not everyone grows up to be healthy and mobile. Some children get sick and die; others simply never get better...It can be hard processing the news and adjusting to this new reality.

I know this full well because I have been in that place myself as a mom of a child with a degenerative neuromuscular disease.

If you are a parent of a child with special needs or a disability then this course will totally transform your life.

This course will provide you with a clear plan to parent your child and live your life with grace and ease.





-> Any parent of a child with special needs who has ever felt alone and lost in this world.

-> Any parent who struggles with the additional stress of raising a child with special needs.

-> Any parent who wishes to create a strong foundation for their child to live an amazing life, despite the inevitable challenges.


-> Show you that it is possible to raise a happy and resilient child with special needs.

-> Share with you vital strategies that other parenting guides for "typical" kids fail to mention.

-> Offer specific coping techniques for raising a child with special needs.

-> Give you the tools, strength and courage to confidently face all the challenges you encounter on your journey.

Get started now!




This comprehensive course was created based on the firsthand experience raising a child with special needs and being part of an extended community filled with parents doing the same.

-> The goal of the course is to provide your child with a life full of hope, love, happiness and big dreams.

-> This course contains 100 strategy lessons filled with valuable, practical advice and guidance

-> These 100 lessons comprise of over 5.5 hours of content - zero fluff, only life-changing, eye-opening tools that you can apply immediately into your own life.

-> It aims to give you the tools to raise a child who is not just happy but also RESILIENT in life.

-> Finally, it is based on the belief that everyone deserves a beautiful and meaningful future, whether they have special needs, a disability or not.

But that goes without saying, right?

Like of course, a child with special needs shouldn't feel limited or disabled in their attitude and spirit as well just because he or she has special needs.

-> It is our role as parents to help and encourage them to reach their own personal potential (whatever that may look like for each individual child).

The first step in this journey is to be the best parent you can be - even though yes, it may be tough and heartbreaking difficult at times.

But you don't need to do it alone and it definitely doesn't have to feel so hard all the time.





In this course I will share with you strategies for how to deal with all the potential hurdles or obstacles that may stump you on your parenting journey.

You will learn:

✔️ How to accept your situation

✔️ How to allow yourself to be inspired

✔️ How to be honest with yourself

✔️ How to let your child know how you feel

✔️ How to teach your child the real lessons in life

✔️ How to tap into the resources offered by your community

✔️ How to know your rights

✔️ How to build a support network for yourself

✔️ How to take it one day at a time

✔️ How not to be intimidated

✔️ How to remember time is your friend

✔️ How to recognise that you are not alone

✔️ How to maintain a positive outlook on life

✔️ How to make decisions about dealing with others

✔️ How to keep daily routines as consistent and normal as possible

✔️ How to stop expecting everything to be perfect

✔️ How to accept that it isn't your job to ensure your child is always happy

✔️ How to be your child's number one advocate and champion

✔️ How to teach your child to speak up

✔️ How to see the good in the bad

✔️ How to be optimistic

✔️ How to teach your child to be optimistic

✔️ How to cope better with stress

✔️ How to communicate your trust to your child

✔️ How to shift your mindset regarding your "problems"

✔️ How to teach your child to dream

✔️ How to worry less

✔️ How to forgive yourself and others

✔️ How to nurture your relationship rather than allowing it to crumble

✔️ How to avoid feeling guilty

✔️ How to keep your child mentally and physically stimulated

✔️ How to give appropriate praise

✔️ How to stop letting fear rule your life

✔️ How to trust your instincts and manage your frustrations

✔️ How to have a sense of humor

✔️ How to minimise sibling rivalry

✔️ How to have faith


✔️ Never Give Up - The Inspiring Stories Collection

✔️ 300 Questions To Ask Your Kids Collection

✔️ Affirmations For Kids That Inspire Calm and Confidence



Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 14 days and we will give you a full refund.
Is this course worth the price?
If you don't take the time to listen to the lessons and simply forget about this course, I can honestly say it will be worth very little to you. BUT if you take the time to take this information all in, the payoff will be almost priceless (for how do you put a price on happier, more loving, and intentional home life and improved relationship with your child?)



In the end, I know it can be hard parenting a child with special needs.

I know this from experience. Right now I am personally in the trenches with you, every step of the way.

But this journey can be made so much easier by equipping yourself with the right tools and RIGHT MINDSET.

This RAISING SPECIAL KIDS course will give you renewed hope, constructive advice, inspiration and everything you need to be the best parent possible of a special needs child.

It will make you realize that even life experiences we never planned for can still be a beautiful gift...



✔️ Change the way you parent from hereon

✔️ Change the way you look at your circumstances

✔️ Change the way you show up with your family and friends

✔️ And most important of all, change your thoughts which ultimately will change the results and experience you have in life

Allow me to take you by the hand and guide you to having a parenting experience that is so much calmer, more at peace and that will positively transform your child with special needs life forever.




Get started now!

Your Instructor

Frances Vidakovic
Frances Vidakovic

Frances Vidakovic is a certified life coach for goal getters, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

She helps women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. Her superpower: transforming dreamers into doers.