The Seize Your Day Roadmap

The Secret To Having A Productive, Intentional Life (No Superwoman Effort Required!)

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If you're tired of:

Feeling like you're like a hamster running on a hamster wheel

Being busy but having nothing productive to show for your time

Knowing you could make better use of your time, if only you could detach yourself from the routine you are stuck in

Wishing that you could seize the day and live life in a way that you won't later regret

Or generally feeling like you could DO MORE with and BETTER MANAGE your precious time

Take a deep breath my friend, because I have got your back.

This one-of-a-kind, coaching roadmap will help you finally seize your day, be more productive, create a schedule that actually works and and simply do what needs to be done, while having more fun along the way.





It sounds so lovely in Latin, right?

What many people don't know is that when the Roman poet Horace wrote those words the phrase was part of a longer sentence: "carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero."

This is translated as "Seize the day, put very little trust in tomorrow (aka the future)".

But this is what many of us do...we say we will do something LATER or TOMORROW or WHEN I FEEL LIKE IT or NOT NOW.

Even though as this phrase implies: the future is actually unpredictable, unforeseen and can't be depended on.

✔︎ Rather than leaving things to chance, you need to stop wasting time and begin DOING WHATEVER NEEDS TO BE DONE today.

✔︎ Seize the day means you embrace and appreciate each moment, while you still have it in your hands.

✔︎ This new shift will require less excuses and more focus and intentionality from you.

✔︎ In a nutshell, YOU need to become the boss of your time TODAY to live life well and create a life you love (rather than one you regret).

If you aren't sure how to make this happen, don't worry. We have exactly what you need right here...




The SEIZE THE DAY Roadmap:

Is a in-depth 100 page PDF roadmap that deep dives into showing you exactly how to master your own time.

You will devise a clear morning and evening routine that specifically SUITS YOU.

You will discover why thought-work is an ESSENTIAL component of mastering your time (and which 5 thoughts you need to keep in the forefront of your mind).

You will master time-blocking and learn the tools you need to finally seize the day consistently, well into the future.

As a life coach with your best interests at heart, I have made sure
this coaching roadmap contains only the most important tools to help you see a dramatic improvement in this area of your life - no BS, no fluff...

Once you are done with this roadmap you will:

✔︎ feel less overwhelmed, exhausted and stressed

✔︎ understand that it is indeed possible to master your time

✔︎ learn and implement the exact process re: how to make this happen

You're about to discover that an intentional day positively influences the vibe of a home and the people living inside it (that includes you, mama!)

✔︎ It goes without saying that YOU AND YOUR LIFE are well worth investing in. So let's get to work on making it best it can be...





Yep there's more! I want you to feel totally supported on your journey to living a more intentional life so I created a massive bonus for you to help accelerate your results.


This includes:

✔︎ Various planner worksheets

✔︎ Time-blocking Worksheet

✔︎ Daily Planner Templates

✔︎ To-Do List

✔︎ Monthly Schedule

✔︎ Journal Brain Dump

✔︎ Monthly Planner

✔︎ Chore Sheet Worksheet Schedule

✔︎ Weekly Meal Plan

✔︎ 50 Snack Ideas Cheatsheet

✔︎ 50 Lunch Ideas Cheatsheet

✔︎ 50 Dinner Ideas Cheatsheet

✔︎ Smart & Quick Clean Home Strategies

✔︎ 600 Seize The Day Ideas

So what are you waiting for?

It's time to stop wasting your time and start taking action to seize the day and create a life you love and deserve...




Your Instructor

Frances Vidakovic
Frances Vidakovic

Frances Vidakovic is a certified life coach for goal getters, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

She helps women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. Her superpower: transforming dreamers into doers.