As a caring parent it is important to instill in your children the right positive mindset and attitude.

This not only impacts the way your child interprets the world around them but also helps to guide him or her to becoming a confident, resilient and happy individual.

Inspiring quotes have long helped people strive to achieve more in life.

The right words have the power to make you think and are instrumental in changing lives.

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But here’s the thing – kids and teens don’t always understand what they mean.

Some see them as a cryptic puzzle impossible to solve.

Hence this 230 page book – here you will find a compilation of 200 inspiring quotes specifically tailored to kids and teens, with its meaning explained in simple, easy to understand language.

Your child or teen can choose to read this book whenever they need inspiration, motivation, support or guidance.

It provides a simple reminder of just how special and unique we all are and how the world is our oyster, when we have the right attitude and passion for life.

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Hi, I'm Frances Vidakovic

I'm a certified life coach with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL podcast, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

I help soul-led women manage their mind, time and life better so that they can finally live life without regret. My one true superpower? Transforming dreamers into doers.