Always feel like you don't have enough money, regardless of your bank account balance?

Or maybe you struggle to feel abundant because it always seems as if your money is going to run out.

Or you find it hard to truly be happy because you're stuck in a scarcity mindset.

If this sounds like you, FEEL RICH WITH LESS will show you a clear path to abundance via intuitive spending.

Here are a few ways to know if you would benefit from the FEEL RICH WITH LESS - INTUITIVE SPENDING BLUEPRINT.


✖︎ Always feel anxious or guilty about spending money, even on necessary items.

✖︎ Stockpile items or resources because of a fear of running out in the future.

✖︎ Always worry about not having enough money, time, or opportunities.

✖︎ Constantly compare yourself to others who seem to have more, feeling inadequate as a result.

✖︎ Don't allow yourself to enjoy success or accomplishments because you're worried it won't last.

✖︎ Hesitate to take risks or invest in opportunities due to fear of loss or failure.

✖︎ Find it hard to give or share with others, even when you have enough to spare.

✖︎ Feel trapped in your current circumstances and are unable to see a way out.

✖︎ Neglect self-care or personal development because you prioritize saving or conserving resources.

✖︎ Hesitate to invest in education, skills, or personal growth because of concerns about cost or return on investment.

✖︎ Struggle to make decisions because of fear of making the wrong choice and facing consequences.

✖︎ Experience heightened stress and anxiety about finances or other resources on a regular basis.

These are signs of a SCARCITY MINDSET.

Here’s how your life will be different after you go through the FEEL RICH WITH LESS - INTUITIVE SPENDING BLUEPRINT.


✔︎ Feeling rich no matter how much money you're earning

✔︎ Feeling grateful for what you have, appreciating the abundance in your life regardless of material wealth.

✔︎ Approaching challenges with optimism and believing in your ability to overcome them.

✔︎ Giving freely and sharing resources with others without fear of scarcity.

✔︎ Seeing opportunities for growth and success everywhere, and being willing to take calculated risks.

✔︎ Prioritizing personal and professional growth, investing in learning and skill development.

✔︎ Celebrating the success and achievements of others, without feeling jealous or competitive.

✔︎ Viewing setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow, rather than as failures.

✔︎ Feeling confident in your ability to manage finances wisely and attract opportunities for wealth creation.

✔︎ Prioritizing health and well-being, understanding that true abundance includes physical and mental health.

✔︎ Recognizing your inherent value and worthiness, independent of external achievements or possessions.

✔︎ Enjoying the present moment and finding joy in simple pleasures.

✔︎ Having faith and trust in the universe or a higher power, believing that things will work out for the best.

✔︎ Expressing gratitude and appreciation regularly, fostering a positive and abundant mindset.

These are the changes you can expect to see when you embrace the strategies inside this blueprint.

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Take a deep breath my friend, because I've got your back.

This one-of-a-kind, coaching-based PDF coaching roadmap will teach you the exact strategies you need to embrace in order to feel rich with less.

Backed by my 20+ years of experience as a life coach and a degree in psychology, I cut straight to the chase when it comes to sharing with you clear and simple strategies that work (aka: no-BS and zero-fluffy stuff).


✔︎ A 55+ page PDF blueprint that you can instantly download to your computer or device and read within minutes of purchasing.

✔︎ You will learn the art of spending intuitively that will lead to you feeling ABUNDANT - no matter how much money you're earning.

✔︎ You will learn the 10 key principles that are required to feel rich with less and embrace intuitive spending.

✔︎ You will learn another way of looking at "richness" that will change your perspective forever.

✔︎ We will take the deepest look at the connection between money and happiness.

✔︎ If your scarcity mindset is deeply ingrained, I will share with you some more next-level strategies to embrace.

✔︎ You will know exactly what's required for you to develop an abundant mindset, no matter what your income level.

✔︎ You will also learn how to NATURALLY spend less without the need for a strict budget.

✔︎ This blueprint is filled with lots of simple and easy-to-implement strategies that will make it super clear that it's possible for you to FEEL RICH WITH LESS.

But wait there's more!

Because I want you to feel totally supported by this blueprint for years to come, I've created for you two extra special bonus.

It's FEEL RICH WITH LESS INTUITIVE SPENDING TOOLKIT and FEEL RICH WITH LESS WORKBOOK - two guides that help cement the teachings inside this offer, making it as simple as possible for you to succeed with change.


So if you're looking for the quickest way to feel rich with less, the INTUITIVE SPENDING BLUEPRINT is for you.

Not yet convinced that you can apply this to your life? Or maybe you're thinking: I'm a unicorn, there's no way this will work for me because my situation is too far gone.

That's okay! Let me do the heavy lifting for you. Inside this offering you will find the exact strategies and advice I would share with my private 1:1 clients, at a tiny fraction of the price.

This blueprint is yours forever so you can reference these strategies as often as you need to in the future.

My goal is that you simply begin taking baby steps in the right direction until those little changes inevitably become big changes in your life.

Put simply, with this blueprint in your hand, you will find the clearest, most direct path to feeling richer, no matter what your bank account looks like.

With that being said, it's time to dive on in. I can't wait to help you feel rich with less!

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Hi, I'm Frances Vidakovic

I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.