Be A Better Parent In 30 Days
Radically Improve Your Relationship With Your Kids In One Month Or Less
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Hey my friend! Do you ever feel like parenting is a battlefield and you and your kids are on opposing sides?
Or maybe that parenting seemed so much easier when you were raising a hypothetical child rather than the real deal?
I mean, no one ever warns you that all the LITTLE stuff (like having to give constant reminders to your kids to clean their rooms YET AGAIN) eventually starts to feel more like the BIG stuff over time.
If your kids tend to bring out the worst in you rather than the best, I promise you - you aren't alone, failing as a mom or going crazy!
But guess what? When you desire to DO BETTER deep inside your heart that by default that makes you a good parent.
If you want to nurture stronger relationships with your kids, no matter what their age, I want you to know that this is ALWAYS a possibility, even if you are perfectly imperfect.
(News alert: we are ALL perfectly imperfect mommas)
Imagine if your job as a mom stopped feeling like guerrilla warfare?
Imagine if everything that seemed so incredibly hard suddenly felt easier?
Deep down most moms wish they could be calmer and more relaxed with both their own life and their family.
But without the right tools and strategies they feel frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed, impatient and easily annoyed.
You probably already know you have the potential to be kinder and calmer (even if some guidance might be required!)
You probably already know you can be more loving and encouraging with your kids.
This is where BE A BETTER PARENT IN 30 DAYS comes in.
For 30 days this course will take you by the hand and guide you through a strategic plan to help you nurture closer relationships with your kids (whether you have one child or six!)
And nope, it doesn't matter if your child is a toddler or a fully-grown teenager.
Either way this course will help you become the best "calm, happy and loving mom" version of yourself.
✔️ If you want to be build a happier and healthy relationship with your kid(s).
✔️ You are sick and tired of feeling like you are doing something wrong.
✔️ You desire to repair a fractured parent-child relationship.
✔️ Or safeguard your current healthy relationship against potential future troubles.
✔️ All in all you are finally ready for an attitude-transforming CHANGE in your parenting.
If you answered YES to any of the above, it's time to do something different.
✔️ One simple, strategic lesson and worksheet per day for 30 days.
✔️Each video lesson is short and sweet (usually around 5 minutes long) and comes with an audio option to listen to on the go.
✔️Lots of surprise bonuses! (You will learn more about those below)
And nope, nothing bad happens if you skip a day (you just pick up where you left off but you wouldn't want to miss any days, right?)
Each lesson has been strategically created with ONE GOAL - to help you create a new positive shift in your attitude about parenting and your kids.
Each day there are tasks for you to complete with your child or to schedule into your diary (don't worry they are fun and will positively change your relationship with your child).
All in all, this course will keep you FOCUSED every day for 30 days on your ultimate goal - to be a better parent.
Imagine starting each day feeling calmer and more in control than ever before.
Imagine finally understanding why a happy mom = happy kids (and vice versa).
Even if that feeling ever wears off (you know there's a chance it eventually willl), you never need to stress again.
THIS COURSE IS YOURS FOREVER so whenever you feel like you still need some daily reinforcement just check into this course again.
These lessons will keep you parenting well after 30 days - no problem! You can refer to these short timeless parenting lessons as often or as little as you like. It's the gift that keeps on giving, my friend!
- The author of over 20 books and have a degree in child psychology
- I'm a certified life coach (one of the originals - I was trained back in 2001!)
- Finally, I'm the CEO of the award-winning website INSPIRING MOM and host of INSPIRING MOM LIFE SCHOOL podcast, a show created to help you achieve your goals without sacrificing your family life or your sanity.
We all love bonuses, right? This is exactly why we have included plenty of amazing bonus freebies for you with this course.
I want you to feel totally supported in this course which is why I have given you so many extra tools and resources to keep you on track and feeling inspired.
These carefully chosen bonuses, when bundled with this course, will make everything EVEN EASIER for you to implement without the feeling of being overwhelmed. Instead, it will be a calm yet life-changing month ahead for you.
You want to build strong and healthy relationships with your kids, right?
If that’s the case, be brave enough today to start a conversation with your kids that actually matters.
You can do this by letting your child know his or her thoughts, feelings and ideas are important to you.
Start a conversation today with the help of this enormous list of 300 questions.
If so this is the perfect coaching guide for you!
This simple eBook is the most comprehensive resource book on nurturing the parent-child relationship that perfectly complements the BE A BETTER PARENT IN 30 DAYS course.
So if you want to see a real, constructive IMPROVEMENT in your relationship with your kids, here is your chance.
I mean, let's be honest...time flies quickly when you are a parent. The days are long but the years are short.
FYI: There's honestly never a better than to build a stronger, healthier and happier bond with your kids than the present (starting today in fact!)
So many people wait for their relationships to suffer or crumble BEFORE scrambling to repair the damage.
Yet the truth is, the best time to safeguard it and make an investment in your precious relationships is before it's too late...
What age should my kids be to most benefit from this course?
It doesn't matter how old your child is. This course will work well for parents of kids from toddlers up to the teen years. How do I know it will work well for teenagers? Well because I am the mom of two teenagers and I can see that these strategies are just as valuable now (if not more so) as they were when they are younger.
I'm also the mom of a child with special needs and these techniques are just as applicable to parents who face more difficult challenges on their parenting journey.
It doesn't matter whether you have one child or seven or if you are a single parent or in a relationship; these lessons will just as valuable to you.
There is this widespread assumption that parenting has to be SUPER HARD.
Yet here I am: currently in what most people would consider to be two of the "toughest" parenting situations.
I am raising a teen and a child with special needs (my son has a degenerative neuromuscular condition that requires him to use a wheelchair).
But do I feel seriously overwhelmed? Nope!
Do I feel like I am totally losing it? Usually not.
Despite the challenges I still find my role as a parent to be one of the greatest gifts and blessings in life.
I realise now that time in short and the years move much too quickly.
Time passes in a blink of an eye. It honestly does.
It feels like just yesterday that my kids were babies followed by toddlers and then preschoolers followed by middle school kids.
No matter how much we complain about being tired and frustrated it doesn't EVER take away from the importance and preciousness of our role as parents.
THE MOST IMPORTANT WORK YOU WILL EVER DO will happen within the walls of your own home.
To be in your children's memories tomorrow - IN A POSITIVE WAY - you need to be in their live's TODAY.
This is why I created the BE A BETTER PARENT IN 30 DAYS course. Because I always wanted to keep in the forefront of my mind the importance of this role.
I want to help other parents embrace the importance of this role too.
This is why I created a 30-day road map and realistic system of practical tools and guidance to help other parents simply be the VERY BEST PARENT THEY CAN BE consistently.
I promise I don't have any special supermom powers.
I'm a normal mom, just like you. If left to my own devices without these tools, I too could easily veer on the side of unnecessary impatience and frustration.
But I have found a simple plan that works to keep me parenting more intentionally every day and if I can do it, you can too.
✔️ Days where you feel like you and your kids are two ships sailing on different paths each day.
✔️ Feeling like your kids need to change in order for you to be happy without understanding it's YOU who needs to change FIRST.
✔️ Or starting off the day with good intentions and ending up feeling more like a derailed train that has gone off the rails.
✔️ Feeling more intentional with your kids as you put your best self forward each day.
✔️ Understanding that your relationship with your kids - no matter what their age - has the potential to be radically transformed in a short period of time.
✔️ Accepting that change comes from what you consciously focus your attention on and it's easier to stay on track when you have a plan.
✔️ FYI: If you don't make positive changes that nurture your relationship today what will your relationship with your kids look like 5, 10, 15 or 20 years down the track?
✔️ If you have a sincere desire to be a better parent - while dropping that unrealistic expectation of perfection (let it go my friend!) - consider this moment to be a fork in the road or an offer presented to you by fate.
The mere fact that you are still reading this page means you would be a perfect fit for this course.
Your Instructor
Frances Vidakovic is a certified life coach for goal getters, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.
She helps women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. Her superpower: transforming dreamers into doers.