From Procrastinator To Action Taker

Become Someone Who GETS THINGS DONE

  Enroll in Course

If you have big dreams and theoretically know what needs to be done to get the ball rolling (Step 1 - Get up and do SOMETHING)...

YET you find yourself constantly stalling when it comes to taking action, you've just stumbled upon a course that will change your life.

After creating over 50 courses and coaching roadmaps, publishing over 20 books and recording over 420 podcast episodes, I know that information alone is not enough to get people to take action.

I can teach you everything you need to know about:

✔️ managing your brain

✔️ taking back your time

✔️ parenting well

✔️ living life intentionally and

✔️ showing up as the best version of yourself each day.

YET even with all this help at hand, it's still possible that you could remain stuck and frozen in the same place.

It's baffling, right?

Well, prepare to have the mystery of how to take action finally solved.




FROM PROCRASTINATOR TO ACTION TAKER is a course that will finally get you taking action to create the results you want in life.

This course is for you if:

✔️ You need a gentle nudge or a big kick up the butt towards taking action - either way, I will get you moving again).

✔️ You have a history of purchasing courses/reading books/learning all the things and not implementing any of the great ideas that have the power to change your life.

✔️ You're looking for a bridge to take you from where you are now to where you want to be.

✔️ You're sick and tired of procrastinating (this is honestly what you want to STOP today).

✔️ Finally, you want to learn how to honor the promises and commitments you make with yourself by following through with action.




Inside the PROCRASTINATOR TO ACTION TAKER course you will learn:

✔️ Why it's normal to procrastinate (and how to get over it)

✔️ What to do when "you don't feel like it" or think "it's all too hard"

✔️ What to do when you "don't know" your next step

✔️ The sort of actions you need to be taking (most likely NOT what you are expecting to hear!)

✔️ How to manage your human brain and makeover your mindset

✔️ A secret trick to get you started

✔️ What to do when it becomes all too much

✔️ How to make sure you are being productive and not just busy

✔️ How to set up systems that will make action-taking as easy as possible

✔️ How to finally become a person who just GETS THINGS DONE

✔️ And so much more...




Here's a short and sweet summary of everything you need to know about me:

🤍 Certified life coach (one of the originals, trained back in 2001) with decades of experience helping clients TAKE ACTION

🤍 Host of the INSPIRING MOM LIFE podcast and a total action-taking ninja

🤍 Author of over 20 books and prolific digital course creator

🤍 Creator of the award-winning website

🤍 I'm seriously OBSESSED with learning the simplest strategies to live life well because ultimately I'm just like you - walking around with a very human brain, having a very human experience in life

🤍 Once upon a time I too felt stuck (I'm not kidding when I say that my first book TOOK ME TEN YEARS TO WRITE!). Then one day I got tired of WASTING TIME and decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

🤍 Overnight, I transformed into a CONSISTENT action-taking, productivity queen using the specific strategies I share with you in this course.

🤍 I'm also a mom of two teens (one with a physical disability), with my hubby for 25+ years, and living in beautiful Sydney Australia. All my experiences and accumulated wisdom led me to create this simple yet proven framework for taking action.

🤍 Put simply, this course will change your life forever...I'm 100% confident in its transformative power. If it doesn't teach you how to stop procrastinating and start taking action simply ask for your money back.


But wait there's more! We all love a surprise bonus, right?

Because I want you to feel totally supported by this course for years to come, I've created for you the perfect bonuses to guide you on your journey to more action-taking.



🤍 This bonus is seriously AH-MAZING! This will be your VERY BEST FRIEND (maybe even for the rest of your life!). This handbook offers you 100 thoughts to focus on every single day to help you take consistent action.

🤍 No more staying stuck on thoughts that don't serve or support you. No more wondering what thoughts to reach for when you're having a blah day. Here's the perfect collection to make you feel like a confident and unstoppable action taker. This guide is the secret key to making taking action SO MUCH EASIER.



🤍 Not sure where to start when it comes to taking action? This bonus includes a massive (170!) collection of 10 MINUTE ACTION TASK IDEAS that will inspire you to take action in the simplest way possible.

🤍The premise behind this 10 MINUTE STRATEGY is pretty simple. Set a timer for 10 minutes and then get to work at completing the task within the enforced time frame. What you will discover is that when you give yourself ONLY 10 MINUTES AND NO MORE to complete a task you will work: faster, more efficiently and effectively.




So drumroll please...

Here's everything you get inside FROM PROCRASTINATOR TO ACTION TAKER:

✔️ 21 foundational lessons that will take you from being a procrastinator to an action taker in life (all bite-size, easy to consume videos)

✔️ PDF summaries of every lesson for easy future reference

✔️ A proven framework that will guide you through a step-by-step process that is guaranteed to work

✔️ BONUS 1: The Action-Taking Thought Collection

✔️ BONUS 2: The Ultimate 10 Minute Task Collection

Plus here's the craziest thing that you will discover for yourself after taking this course.


🤍 You will find that you actually have more time for play

🤍 More time for fun

🤍 More time for rest (bring on hammock time!)

🤍 Plus a mind that experiences less drama, guilt and regret and more satisfaction and joy in life

This is because you are no longer wasting time on:

✘ Thinking about what you should be doing (and not doing it)

Internally beating yourself up over your procrastinating tendencies

Stressing about your to-do list

✘ Living life on the edge of chaos but still deeply nested inside your comfort zone

✘ And just wasting time itself (so much precious time that you will NEVER GET BACK!)




So this is it my friend. Decision time!

Are you ready to begin living a life where you:

💭 Stop procrastinating and self-sabotaging yourself AND INSTEAD

💭 Start taking daily actions that MOVE YOU FORWARD IN LIFE?

If you answered YES and YES, then come join me inside FROM PROCRASTINATOR TO ACTION TAKER.

It all begins with you saying YES TO YOURSELF

📢 YES I'm ready to learn the skill of consistent action-taking

📢 YES I'm ready to do things differently

📢 YES I'm ready to show up like a boss in my life

📢 YES I'm ready to trust the process


In a nutshell, FROM PROCRASTINATOR TO ACTION TAKER will show you the most effective way to begin taking action immediately, via a simple step-by-step process THAT WORKS.

These are the exact strategies I embrace EVERY DAY that keep me showing up and taking action - rain, hail or shine in my life.

You've already wasted enough time in your life procrastinating.

Let me show you a different way.

A way that actually works....

Come join me now.


Your Instructor

Frances Vidakovic
Frances Vidakovic

Hi I'm Frances Vidakovic! I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife. I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.