Ever feel like you're a flaky friend to yourself because you constantly let yourself down?

Maybe you say you will do one thing and then you do another. Or you have the best of intentions but never follow through on them.

If this sounds like you, ACCOUNTABILITY QUEEN will help you keep all the promises you make to yourself.

Here are a few signs that you need more accountability in your life.


✖︎ Constantly put off tasks because there's no immediate consequence for delaying them.

✖︎ Regularly blame others for your own mistakes or lack of progress.

✖︎ Frequently start projects but never finish them.

✖︎ Always find reasons or excuses for why something wasn't done.

✖︎ Dodge tasks or responsibilities that are assigned to you.

✖︎ Often feeling overwhelmed by tasks because you haven't managed your time or commitments well.

✖︎ Put in inconsistent effort, leading to erratic results and unfinished tasks.

✖︎ Fail to set clear, actionable goals, leading to aimless or unproductive days.

✖︎ Always need someone else to push you or remind you to get things done.

✖︎ Frequently miss deadlines because you didn't plan or prioritize effectively.

✖︎ Constantly doubt your own abilities and therefore don't commit fully to tasks.

✖︎ Avoid or dismiss feedback that could help you improve.

✖︎ Only focus on immediate gratification rather than long-term goals and responsibilities.

✖︎ Don't fully commit to plans or promises, leading to frequent cancellations or changes.

These are signs that you are LACKING SELF ACCOUNTABILITY in your life.

Here’s how your life will be different after purchasing ACCOUNTABILITY QUEEN.


✔︎ Keeping all the promises you make to yourself, from daily tasks to long-term goals.

✔︎ Feeling a deep sense of integrity because you follow through on your commitments.

✔︎ Consistently making progress towards your goals because you hold yourself to a high standard.

✔︎ Experiencing a boost in self-respect and self-esteem because you know you can rely on yourself.

✔︎ Hitting personal milestones regularly because you stick to your plans and work diligently.

✔︎ Feeling proud of your accomplishments, no matter how big or small, because you put in the effort.

✔︎ Maintaining a balanced life because you prioritize your time and responsibilities effectively.

✔︎ Gaining confidence from knowing you can set goals and achieve them through your own efforts.

✔︎ Experiencing less stress because you manage your time well and complete tasks on schedule.

✔︎ Sticking to healthy habits like exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep because you hold yourself accountable.

✔︎ Managing your finances wisely, saving money, and avoiding unnecessary debt because you are disciplined.

✔︎ Building stronger relationships because you are reliable and trustworthy.

✔︎ Feeling a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction because you live in alignment with your values and goals.

✔︎ Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries because you respect your own needs and limits.

These are the changes you can expect to see when you embrace the strategies inside this blueprint.

Take a deep breath my friend, because I've got your back.

This one-of-a-kind, coaching-based PDF coaching roadmap will teach you the exact strategies you need to embrace in order to become an accountability queen in your life.

Backed by my 20+ years of experience as a life coach and a degree in psychology, I cut straight to the chase when it comes to sharing with you clear and simple strategies that work (aka: no-BS and zero-fluffy stuff).

Here's what you will find inside ACCOUNTABILITY QUEEN:

✔︎ A 70+ page PDF blueprint that you can instantly download to your computer or device and read within minutes of purchasing.

✔︎ You will learn the 12 key principles that are required for you to embrace BEFORE you set off to become an accountability queen.

✔︎ There are also 10 specific strategies that will help you do exactly what you plan to do every day.

✔︎ You will learn it's totally possible for you to start TAKING ACTION ON YOUR OWN, without anyone else having to kick you up the butt.

✔︎ Without taking responsibility for your own actions, you will continue to let yourself down again and again in the future but that will all end the moment you implement the strategies inside ACCOUNTABILITY QUEEN.

✔︎ Put simply, this blueprint is the secret key to you making changes happen in your life, confidently and courageously from this moment forward.

But wait there's more!

Because I want you to feel totally supported by this blueprint for years to come, I've created for you an extra special bonus.

It's ACCOUNTABILITY QUEEN AFFIRMATIONS - a guide that helps cement the teachings inside this offer, making it as simple as possible for you to succeed with change.


So if you're looking for the quickest way to become more accountable in life, ACCOUNTABILITY QUEEN is for you.

Not yet convinced that you can apply this to your life? Or maybe you're thinking: I'm a unicorn, there's no way this will work for me because my situation is too far gone.

That's okay! Let me do the heavy lifting for you. Inside this offering you will find the exact strategies and advice I would share with my private 1:1 clients, at a tiny fraction of the price.

This blueprint is yours forever so you can reference these strategies as often as you need to in the future.

My goal is that you simply begin taking baby steps in the right direction until those little changes inevitably become big changes in your life.

Put simply, with this blueprint in your hand, you will find the clearest, most direct path to achieving more accountability in your life, no matter how flaky you currently are.

With that being said, it's time to dive on in. I can't wait to help you become an accountability queen in your life!

Hi, I'm Frances Vidakovic

I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.