If you feel like you're constantly saying yes to others and NO to yourself, it's time to pay close attention.
What would it be like if you STOPPED SAYING YES TO everyone else...
And started dishing out more NOs (like you secretly wish you could)?
THE YEAR OF YES GAMEPLAN will show you exactly how saying YES more often to no will equal = A MASSIVE YES TO YOU.
✖︎ Say NO to Overcommitment
✖︎ Say NO to Perfectionism
✖︎ Say NO to People-Pleasing
✖︎ Say NO to Distractions
✖︎ Say NO to Toxic Relationships
✖︎ Say NO to Guilt-Based Decisions
✖︎ Say NO to Hustle Culture
✖︎ Say NO to Unnecessary Spending
✖︎ Say NO to Self-Doubt
✖︎ Say NO to Over-scheduling
✖︎ Say NO to Negative Self-Talk
✖︎ Say NO to Comparison
✖︎ Say NO to Over-Explaining or Justifying Yourself
✖︎ Say NO to Staying in Your Comfort Zone
✖︎ Say NO to Procrastination
✖︎ Say NO to Unrealistic Expectations
✖︎ Say NO to FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)
✖︎ Say NO to Holding Grudges
✖︎ Say NO to Overthinking Decisions
✖︎ Say NO to Being Available 24/7
✖︎ Say NO to Say Yes Out of Fear
✖︎ Say NO to Neglecting Your Body’s Needs
✖︎ Say NO to Rushing
✖︎ Say NO to Doing It All Alone
✖︎ Say NO to Dwelling on Mistakes
✖︎ Say NO to Living Someone Else’s Dream
✖︎ Say NO to Excess Clutter (Physical, Emotional, or Mental)
✖︎ Say NO to Drama
✖︎ Say NO to Neglecting Your Passions
✖︎ Say NO to Comparing Your Timeline to Others’
✖︎ Say NO to Holding Back Your Voice
✖︎ Say NO to Ignoring Red Flags
✖︎ Say NO to Taking Yourself Too Seriously
✖︎ Say NO to Being Everything to Everyone
✖︎ Say NO to Unrealistic Deadlines
✖︎ Say NO to Over-Exploring Options
✖︎ Say NO to Fear of Failure
✖︎ Say NO to Over-apologizing
✖︎ Say NO to Ignoring Your Intuition
✖︎ Say NO to Staying Stuck in the Past
✖︎ Say NO to Multi-Tasking Everything
✖︎ Say NO to Carrying Others’ Emotional Baggage
✖︎ Say NO to Chasing External Validation
✖︎ Say NO to Over-planning Your Future
✖︎ Say NO to Consuming Negative Media
✖︎ Say NO to Underestimating Yourself
✖︎ Say NO to Ignoring Your Spiritual Needs
✖︎ Say NO to Putting Off Joy
✖︎ Say NO to Rescuing Others at Your Expense
✖︎ Say NO to Believing Change Has to Be Huge
✖︎ Say NO to Ignoring Gratitude
✖︎ Say NO to Letting Fear Stop You from Speaking Up
✖︎ Say NO to Allowing Chaos in Your Environment
✖︎ Say NO to Holding Back Your Creativity
✖︎ Say NO to Postponing Rest Until Burnout
✖︎ Say NO to Fear of Being Misunderstood
✖︎ Say NO to Ignoring Playfulness and Fun
✖︎ Say NO to Over-identifying with Roles
✖︎ Say NO to Clinging to “Shoulds”
✖︎ Say NO to Wasting Energy on What You Can’t Control
✖︎ Say NO to Suppressing Emotions
✖︎ Say NO to “Busyness” as a Status Symbol
✖︎ Say NO to Waiting for Perfect Conditions
✖︎ Say NO to Ignoring Your Body’s Signals
✖︎ Say NO to Say “That’s Just the Way I Am”
✖︎ Say NO to Overloading Your Mental Space
✖︎ Say NO to Ignoring Signs of Burnout
✖︎ Say NO to Over-relying on Others for Happiness
✖︎ Say NO to Fear of Outgrowing People or Situations
✖︎ Say NO to Avoiding Necessary Change
✖︎ Say NO to Ignoring Signs of Joy
✖︎ Say NO to Delaying Gratitude
Instead, begin saying YES to things that actually move you forward in life.
✔︎ Saying YES to putting yourself first.
✔︎ Saying YES to all the goals you’ve always dreamed of chasing
✔︎ Saying YES to an afternoon nap or a lazy Sunday, even if it means your house isn’t spotless that day.
✔︎ Saying YES to nurturing relationships that uplift you and no to toxic or draining interactions.
✔︎ Saying YES to hard conversations and spending less time with people who don’t respect your boundaries.
✔︎ Saying YES to never overcommitting yourself again, like joining every committee at your child’s school or saying yes to every social gathering.
✔︎ Saying YES to more fun stuff like dance classes, spontaneous trips, or creative projects, simply because it’s fun!
✔︎ Saying YES to creating a budget that aligns with your priorities, like saving for a trip you’ve always wanted, instead of spending out of guilt or obligation.
✔︎ Saying YES to all the stuff outside your comfort zone like launching a business, or skydiving, even if it scares you.
✔︎ Saying YES to slow, intentional mornings because you value peace and mindfulness, even if it means waking up earlier.
✔︎ Saying YES to decluttering your schedule and home and saying no to “busy for the sake of busy.”
✔︎ Saying YES to tracking your wins, whether they’re big or small, and celebrating all your milestones with something special.
✔︎ Saying YES to practicing gratitude for all the ways you’ve grown, instead of dwelling on where you’re not yet.
All of this is possible when you say NO to things that aren't aligned with your desires and long-term goals.
Take a deep breath my friend, because I've got your back.
This one-of-a-kind coaching roadmap will teach you the exact strategies to begin living a life of more YESes for you by saying more NOs to others.
Backed by my 20+ years of experience as a life coach and a degree in psychology, I cut straight to the chase when it comes to sharing with you simple guilt-free strategies that work.
Here's what you will find inside THE YEAR OF YOU GAMEPLAN:
✔︎ What saying YES to you will look like
✔︎ What you will need to learn to say NO to
✔︎ Why we say YES when we want to say NO
✔︎ Identifying your YES triggers
✔︎ How to turn this awareness into action
✔︎ The importance of protecting your time and energy and how to do it
✔︎ The ripple effect of saying no wisely
✔︎ How saying no actually strengthens your relationships
✔︎ The 3 step formula for saying no wisely
✔︎ Helpful reframes if you're still scared to say no
✔︎ How to personalize your no depending on the person and situation
✔︎ How to maintain those set boundaries over time
✔︎ Overcoming the most common challenges to sticking to your boundaries
✔︎ How to deal with pushback firmly but respectfully
✔︎ What your YEAR OF YOU will look like when you say no more often
✔︎ Embracing these strategies will give definitely help you reclaim so much more time and energy that you can divert BACK TO YOU.
But wait there's more!
Because I want you to feel totally supported by this coaching roadmap for years to come, I've created for you an extra special bonus.
It's GENIUS WAYS TO SAY NO GRACEFULLY GUIDE - a quick cheatsheet to help you gracefully say no with more ease.
So if you're looking for permission to say NO more often in life, look no further.
THE YEAR OF YOU GAMEPLAN will teach you exactly how to say NO more often with grace and ease.
But isn't this really easy to do?
Just say the word NO and go.
In theory it sounds easy enough, right?
But you've most likely already discovered that we're so ingrained to people-please and be a yay-sayer that getting the word NO to spill from our lips feels near impossible.
In theory, it sounds simple. In practice, we usually just can't get ourselves to do it.
This is why THE YEAR OF YOU GAMEPLAN spells out each step you need to take in thorough detail.
It speaks about the psychology behind why saying no is so difficult and exactly how to break this non-useful habit.
My hope is that by the time you finish this 140-page coaching roadmap, this desire to say no more often to others (when it equals a big YES TO YOU) has sunk deep into your bones.
This gameplan is also yours forever so you can reference these timeless strategies as often as you need to in the future.
✔︎ In essence, the YEAR OF YOU GAMEPLAN is about becoming unapologetically ruthless with where you invest your time and energy.
✔︎ This is about giving yourself the freedom to prioritize your own needs, values, and goals without feeling guilty or overwhelmed by others’ expectations.
✔︎ The time and mental energy that you used to spend on external obligations can now be put towards your dreams and goals in life.
✔︎ Put simply, with this gameplan in your hand, you will find the clearest, most direct path to THE YEAR OF MORE YESes TO YOU.
With that being said, it's time to dive on in. I can't wait to help you say NO more often to the crappy stuff in your life.
Hi, I'm Frances Vidakovic
I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.
I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.