If your email inbox currently has more than 10 emails, it's time to pay close attention.

You may think that being greeted by the glaring notification of 179 (or more!) unread emails every day isn't so bad but the truth is our inbox is often a constant source of stress lurking in our pockets.

You may appear to be organized everywhere else in your life. But chances are if your inbox is chaotic, it's still very quietly negatively impacting your life.

A few signs that your inbox needs some loving yet ruthless attention:

  • The sheer number of emails you have sitting in your inbox - if it's more than 10 then it's too much

  • Your unread messages are piling up—even worse, all the promotions, updates, and spam are burying your important emails that you either forget to see or reply to.

  • You’re wasting time scrolling, searching, and trying to figure out what actually matters and you hate that you can't get it under control.

Even worse, the inbox isn’t just a digital mess—it’s spilling over into your life:

  • You avoid checking your email because it feels like a bottomless pit of things you’ll never get to.

  • You waste time and mental energy worrying if you’ve forgotten something important.

  • You can’t truly relax because you’re haunted by the “inbox explosion” waiting for you to sort out. And every new email notification feels like just one more thing you can’t keep up with.

It’s frustrating. It’s overwhelming. And honestly? It’s exhausting.

Does any of this sound familiar?

The good news is INBOX ZERO HERE is here to help.

The goal of this quick win course is to get you to inbox zero and help you STAY THAT WAY in just minutes every day.

Take a deep breath my friend, because I've got your back.

I've seen so many of my peers, family and friends gets super frazzled over their email inbox.

Over time they've allowed their inbox to become this massive monster that seems impossible to tame.

They know it's out of control but have no idea where to start when it comes to getting it back in order (and the idea of "just delete everything and start again" makes them want to run in the other direction.)

Don't worry; there's actually a simple solution to this problem and when you implement it consistently, it will keep you at Inbox Zero forever.

Why do this work?

Here are a few good reasons why:

👉🏻 Peace of mind knowing you’re on top of everything important.

👉🏻 More time for what truly matters—family, work, or relaxation.

👉🏻 Reduced stress from no longer worrying about missed emails.

👉🏻 Improved productivity with a clean, organized system.

👉🏻 Clearer focus without the mental clutter of an overflowing inbox.

👉🏻 Better relationships by never missing important personal emails.

👉🏻 Professional confidence from responding promptly and staying reliable.

👉🏻 Freedom to enjoy life without email anxiety hanging over you.

Backed by my 20+ years of experience as a life coach and a degree in psychology, I cut straight to the chase when it comes to sharing with you clear and simple strategies that will get you to Inbox Zero quickly (no-BS and zero-fluffy stuff included).

Here's what you will find inside INBOX ZERO HERO:

✔︎ A 60+ page PDF blueprint that you can instantly download to your computer or device and read within minutes of purchasing.

✔︎ It contains specific strategies to help you declutter your inbox and create a simple system that you can follow with ease.

✔︎ This strategy doesn't require that you to be super organized in advance to execute these strategies. In fact, the less organized your life, the more you will benefit from this blueprint.

✔︎ It also explores exactly where we get ourselves in trouble with email management and what to do to permanently solve that problem.

✔︎ Embracing these strategies will instantly make you feel lighter and back in control of your inbox. There's also strategies to embrace if you ever have a future setback and how to make this strategy a sustainable habit.

✔︎ You will also be working at your own pace - zero pressure involved!

But wait there's more!

Because I want you to feel totally supported by this blueprint for years to come, I've created for you an extra special bonus.

It's INBOX ZERO HERO AUDIO WORKSHOP - a 50 minute workshop that helps cement the teachings inside this offer, making it as simple as possible for you to succeed with change.

This is for everyone who learns best via listening - giving you an additional way to learn these strategies on a deeper level.

So if you're looking for the quickest way to clear your inbox and permanently stay on top on it, then INBOX ZERO HERO is for you.

✔️ This is a non-complicated, easy-to-implement solution to permananently solve your email inbox problem.

✔️ There are no next level advanced strategies here to make your head spin. Anyone can do this work to get to INBOX ZERO.

✔️ I also don't throw you in the river and expect you to know how to swim immediately. I take things slowly, guiding you step by step down a very specific path.

This blueprint and workshop is yours forever so you can reference these strategies as often as you need to in the future.

Put simply, with these strategies in your hand, you will find the clearest, most direct path to enjoying the luxurious calm that comes from having an Inbox Zero philosophy in your life.

With that being said, it's time to dive on in. I can't wait to help you clear and organize your inbox!

Hi, I'm Frances Vidakovic

I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.