This 225+ page book contains 365 simple, creative and clever saving tips, with the aim of keeping your money where it belongs – with you!

Here, a savings hack is defined as any strategy, tip, technique, trick, shortcut or tool that helps you manage your money and resources in a more effective and efficient manner.

You work hard for your money so it makes sense to treat your income with respect. More money in your pocket = potential freedom.

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If you are looking to save money, this book is definitely for you.

Use this book as a tool to help you achieve your financial goals, without ever forgetting the stuff that is really important.

Those are the things you won’t find in any store: love, dreams, family, friends, happiness, hope, time and a wish come true.

Start saving small or big, that’s up to you, but at least start somewhere.

THE SAVINGS HACKS BIBLE will teach you not only the valuable skills of saving money but also growing your potential nest egg in life.

Hi, I'm Frances Vidakovic

I'm a certified life coach with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL podcast, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

I help soul-led women manage their mind, time and life better so that they can finally live life without regret. My one true superpower? Transforming dreamers into doers.

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